
Here is were the magic happens, well part of it.

Go to clu3-project on GitHub and clone this repo.

Okay, now that's done. You will create a .env file and save on it your hCaptcha SECRET Key and the private key of the wallet you desire to use to sign the messages.

To start running the backend, type this commands

npm install
npm run dev

Once you have it running and ready to use. If you are testing locally, add your local route to the React config file and done!

It will check if the token sent is valid, if true it will return the signature of the message.

POST localhost/verify

This message contains the timestamp, sender address and cluID

Request Body

     cluID: cluID, // To avoid cross usage when same sign is multi-used
     timestamp: timestamp, //timestamp when the hCaptcha was solved
     messageSignature: signature //contains sender address, timestamp and cluID

Last updated