What is clu3?
Basic information about clu3
Last updated
Basic information about clu3
Last updated
clu3 is a tool easy to implement as a modular service that works with Solidity. It lets any Smart Contract to add a humanity proof between functions to avoid bots from doing automatic transactions.
It works on 3 steps:
On the clu3 service side after the user passes the humanity proof challenge, we sign a message that contains timestamp+senderAddress+cluID
On the smart contract side we re-built the message with the parameters sent to the function, timestamp and signature.
Finally, we compare if the message built on the smart contract matches with the one that was signed in our service, if it matches we continue with the function, if not we revert the transaction.
The implementation of clu3 tool in DApps is fast and easy. Here is a summary of what is needed to make your smart contract botsproof:
A human proof service (e.g hCaptcha)
clu3 backend service
clu3 smart contract import